基于正交函数理论和Karhunen-Loève分解法,构造了一种单源随机向量,从而实现了结构随机分析中随机变量的缩减。基于概率论方面的相关理论,研究了单源随机向量的近似独立性和单源随机向量的构造方法。结果表明:1) 单源随机向量近似独立,精度满足工程要求;2) 单源随机向量构造简单。这为结构随机分析提供了一个新的手段。
Based on orthogonal function theory and Karhunen-Loeve decomposition method, monophyletic random vector is constructed to solve the reduction of random variables in stochastic structural analysis. Based on the probability theory, the approximate independence of the monophyletic random vector and the construction method of the monophyletic random vector are studied. The results show that: 1) the monophyletic random vector is independent, the accuracy is sufficient to meet the engineering requirements;2) the monophyletic random vector is simple and repeatable. Furthermore, it provides a new method for the stochastic analysis of structures.
Advances in Applied Mathematics