To explore the overall development trend of big data technology, through the comparative analysis of the big data global scientific research projects of the China-US National Science Fund, the statisti-cal analysis of the 2012~2021 scientific research project data is carried out by using the quantita-tive statistics and text mining methods to reveal the overall scientific research situation, advanta-geous disciplines, core institutions, hot topics, etc. in the field of big data technology. The results show that the scientific research projects in the field of big data technology in the past 10 years have shown a relatively slow decline since 2018. The computer and information science and Engi-neering Department of the American Science Foundation and the information science department of the China Science Foundation are the main forces. The core forces are Tsinghua University in Chi-na and Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, with research projects as the leading force. China’s scientific research investment is mainly distributed in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu. The key research and development directions are big data, data mining and in-depth learning.
Advances in Applied Mathematics