With the development of computer technology, the importance of computer graphics is gradually reflected, and the spline curve also develops rapidly. Its research field also involves a lot of contents, including different extension of spline curves of various orders, new methods of smoothing and modeling and shape adjustment. Based on Bézier quaternion curve and Boehm’s Gamma spline curve theory, this paper combines quaternion method with spline theory, constructs Gamma qua-ternion spline curve and studies its properties. Firstly, the Gamma quaternion spline curve in Eu-clidean space is extended to quaternion space, and the spherical Gamma quaternion spline curve is defined. Then, it is proved that the spline curve is C1 continuous, and it is C2 continuous when cer-tain conditions are satisfied. Finally, the above method is applied. The parameters that can change the shape of the spline curve are introduced in this construction method so that the spline curve can be constructed with strong flexibility.
Advances in Applied Mathematics