

Application and Progress of Metabolic Proteomics in Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
摘要 尽管目前结直肠癌治疗方法不断的创新与发展,其预后仍然较差,尤其是晚期结直肠癌,如病人可以早期诊断并治疗其5年生存率可以显著提高。结直肠癌不仅影响人均寿命,也对社会经济造成巨大负担。传统结直肠癌筛查方法包括便潜血检测及结肠镜检查,便潜血检测其敏感性及特异性较低;而结肠镜具有侵入性,花费较高且存在一定风险。这两项方法并不能满足结直肠癌早期诊断的要求,因此迫切需要一种筛查方法早期发现、早期诊断结直肠癌,延长结直肠癌患者生存期,改善其预后。继基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学之后新兴的一门“组学”称为代谢组学,其对生物体内参与生化反应成千上万中间产物及终产物进行动态的定性定量分析,可以反应生物不同生理、病理及生长状态。近期研究发现代谢组学在肿瘤的研究中具有广泛的用途,包括肿瘤早期诊断、分期、评估疗效和预测预后等,其中包括关于结直肠癌的研究,这为建立有效、稳点、可靠的结直肠癌早期诊断方法提供了新的思路。本文对代谢组学在结直肠癌中早期诊断的研究进展作一综述。 Although the treatment methods of colorectal cancer have experienced constant innovations and development, the prognosis remains poor, especially among patients with advanced colorectal can-cer. Early diagnosis and treatment may significantly improve the five-year survival rate of these pa-tients. Colorectal cancer not only shortens mean life span, but also percolates the social economy. Traditional screening methods of colorectal cancer mainly include fecal occult blood detection and colonoscopy. Fecal occult blood detection focuses on the sensitivity of colerectal cancer but has low specificity, while colonoscopy is invasive, expensive and subject to some risk. These two methods fail to meet the requirements for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a screening method for early detection and early diagnosis of colorectal cancer in order to prolong the survival time of patients with colorectal cancer and improve the prognosis. Following genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, metabolomics comes into being as a new “omics” that carries out dynamic, quantitative and qualitative analyses of thousands of intermediate products and end products entering into a sequence of biochemical reactions, thus reflecting various physiological, pathological and growth statuses. Recent studies have found that metabolomics had a wide range of uses in cancer researches, including early tumor diagnosis, staging, therapeutic evaluation, prognosis prediction and so on;researchers on colorectal cancer also included. This provides new ways for establishing effective, stable and reliable methods of early diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This review mainly presents an introduction to the concept and research techniques of metabolomics, as well as advances in its applications in early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2016年第2期81-87,共7页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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