乳腺假血管瘤样间质增生(pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia, PASH)是一种由复杂、不规则、相互吻合的裂隙状假血管腔组成的一种良性病变,此病临床少见,首例见于1986年并由Vuitch等[1]进行报道。但是有关此病(PASH)相关资料较少,对其认识尚浅,常易被忽视及漏诊。笔者回顾并复习相关国内外文献并结合我科收治1例该病患者,分别从临床病史、影像报告、病理检查、治疗与预后进行综合分析,便于进一步认识该类疾病。
PASH (Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia) is a benign lesion, which consists of complicated, irregular and anastomosed fissure pseudovascularity. The first case of PASH was reported in 1986 by Vuitch et al. [1]. However, there are few related data about PASH, and it is easy to be neglected and misdiagnosed. In order to fully understand this disease, we reviewed the relevant literature home and abroad, and analyzed the treatment of a case of this disease in our department from the respective of clinical history, imaging report, pathological examination, treatment and prognosis.
Advances in Clinical Medicine