目的:采用自身胆汁逆行主胰管注射法制作稳定可靠的比格犬重症急性胰腺炎动物模型。方法:将12只比格犬按随机数字表法分为SAP模型组和对照组,每组6只;SAP造模组用自体胆汁逆行主胰管注射法造模,对照组仅给予开腹切开十二指肠、缝合、关腹并观察,观察期间持续静脉注射生理盐水1 mL、(kg/h),采用脉搏指示连续心排血量(PiCC0)热稀释法测定观察造模前以及造模后即刻(0)、2、4、6、8、10、12 h犬血流动力学参数变化。测定心指数(CI)、外周血管阻力指数(SVRI)、平均动脉压(MAP)、氧和指数(PaO2/FiO2)等指标。结果:造模组术后2小时后CI、SVRI指标升高,随后开始持续降低,直到休克晚期。对照组术后1小时各项指标小幅度升高,最后趋于基本稳定状态。动物解剖证实模型组造模成功率100%。结论:自身胆汁逆行主胰管注射法,建立比格犬胆源性重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)模型,是安全的可行的,制模结果符合SAP临床特点及发病机理,且有造模成功率高,廉价等优点。
Objective: To establish a stable and reliable animal model of severe acute pancreatitis in beagle dogs by retrograde main pancreatic duct injection of autologous bile. Methods: 12 beagles were divided into SAP model group and control group by random number table method, each group has 6 beagles. SAP model group was induced by retrograde pancreatic duct injection of autologous bile, control group only perform laparotomy, open the duodenum, suture, close the abdomen and ob-serve. Continuous intravenous saline was injected at the speed of 1 mL/(kg/h) during observation. Thermal dilution pulse index continuous cardiac output (PiCCO) was used to determinate changes of hemodynamic parameters in beagles in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 h. Cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), mean arterial pressure (MAP), oxygen index (PaO2/FiO2) were recorded. Result: 2 hours after the induction of SAP model group, the level of CI and SVRI increased, and then began to decrease continuously until the late shock. 1 hour after sham procedure, the indexes of the control group increased slightly, and the final balance was basically stable. The success rate of animal model establishment was 100%. Conclusion: Establishment of severe acute pancreatitis animal model in beagles induced by retrograde pancreatic duct injection of autologous bile is safe and feasible. Model parameters are consistent with the clinical features and pathogenesis of SAP, with a high rate of success in modeling and economical.
Advances in Clinical Medicine