Meigs综合征是原发性卵巢良性肿瘤合并腹水和胸腔积液的一组临床综合征。Meigs综合征和假Meigs综合征是一种罕见的疾病。绝经后妇女卵巢肿块和血清CA125水平升高通常提示恶性。本例患者女性,68岁,因右下腹包块15天入院,B超检查发现盆腔包块和盆腔积液。实验室检查肿瘤标志物CA125为222.9 U/ml (正常值:0~35 U/ml)。手术发现右卵巢肿瘤和腹水,术后病理诊断为卵巢纤维瘤,术后3天病人腹水积液消退,第10天血清CA125降至正常。
Meigs syndrome is a group of clinical syndromes of primary ovarian benign tumor with ascites and hydrothorax.Meigs syndrome and pseudo-Meigs syndrome are a rare disorder.An ovarian mass and an elevated serum CA125 level in a postmenopausal female generally suggest a malignancy.In this case,a 68-year-old woman was admitted to hospital with a history of right lower quadrant for 15 days.Laboratory tumor marker CA125 was 222.9 U/ml(normal value:0~35 U/ml).The right ovarian tumor and ascites were found after operation.Postoperative ovarian fibroma was diagnosed pathologically.Ascites effusion subsided on the 3rd day after operation and serum CA125 decreased to normal level on the tenth day.
Advances in Clinical Medicine