UAE (uterine artery embolisation)是属于血管介入的新的微创治疗方法,目前广泛应用于妇产科疾病领域,均取得了不错的治疗效果。本综述评价了UAE在妇产科疾病领域的应用范围、适应症、预后结局,其对生育的影响,经济费用,尤其是并发症的介绍,对有生育要求的、再次生育及妊娠的影响。提出:临床医生在合理应用UAE时,更应充分评估其并发症及其对生育功能的影响。
UAE(uterine artery embolization)is a new minimally invasive alternative procedure to surgery with reduced morbidity and mortality,and preserves the patient’s future fertility potential,which is widely used as a management of various gynecologic and obstetric abnormalities and has ob-tained good therapeutic effects.This review evaluates the applied range,indications,prognosis in obstetrics and gynecology disease,influence on fertility,economic cost,especially the complications of these diseases,and influence on fertility and pregnancy again of UAE.In short words,UAE must be carefully and rationally used,and the complications should be seriously evaluated and considered,especially potential impacts on fertility and pregnancy in child-bearing period in women.
Advances in Clinical Medicine