目的:观察起源于主动脉瓣和二尖瓣结合部(AMC)室性早搏(室早)/室性心动过速(室速)的心电图特征,探讨此类心律失常射频消融治疗效果。方法:常州市第一人民医院心内科2017年09月至2019年01月143例室性心律失常患者行电生理检查(EPS)和射频消融术(RFCA),其中7例患者被确诊为AMC起源的室早/室速并进行消融,行十二导联心电图形态分析。结果:对7例AMC起源室早/室速的心电图行进一步分析,特点如下:V1导联呈R或Rs形,V2-V4导联均为Rs波,V5、V6导联呈R波,胸前导联R波移行于V1导联。I导联呈rs型,下壁导联均为高大R波,RII ≥ RIII,R波降支有切迹。AVR及AVL导联为QS型。其中6例室早/室速消融成功,均起源于AMC,1例室早消融失败。结论:起源于AMC处室早/室速有显著的心电图特征,掌握其心电图表现有助于术中快速精确定位,提高消融成功率。
Objective:To observe the electrocardiogram(ECG)characteristics of premature ventricular con-tractions(PVCS)/ventricular tachycardia(VT)originating from the aortomitral continuity(AMC),and to explore the efficacy of radiofrequency catheter ablation(RFCA)in such patients.Methods:Electrophysiological study(EPS)and RFCA were performed on 143 patients with PVC/VT in Changzhou first people’s hospital from September 2017 to January 2019.Among them,7 patients were diagnosed as PVC/VT originating from AMC and received ablation.Results:The 12-lead ECG patterns of AMC originated PVC/VT were characterized by:R or Rs wave in lead V1,R/S transition zone in V1 lead,Rs wave in lead V2-V4,rs wave in lead I,high R wave in lead II,III,aVF with R wave fall section incised,QS wave in both lead aVR and aVL.6 cases were treated successfully by RFCA,and those PVC/VT all originated from AMC.RFCA failed in one case with PVC.Conclusion:PVC/VT originating from AMC has distinct characters in ECG.12-leads ECG analysis is a helpful tool in determining the exact origin of these PVC/VT and then improving the rate of successful ablation.
Advances in Clinical Medicine