目的:检索我国脑卒中高被引文献的计量特征。方法:检索中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 2009年1月1日~2018年12月31日的脑卒中文献,参照普赖斯定律确定高被引文献,用Excel 2010统计分析被引、年份、期刊、作者、单位、关键词、基金。结果:检出高被引文献219篇;文献数自2009年开始上升至2001年达峰值55篇从2012年发表份数趋于下降趋势;文献分布在88种期刊,其中《中华护理杂志》论文总数居第一,《中华高血压杂志》总被引频次和篇均被引频次均居第一;文献作者共73人、署886名次,总合作率87.21%,作者王文、霍勇、陈伟和王陇德署名数依次居前3位;作者机构362个,其中医院占77.35%,20个核心发文机构中院校占75%,北京大学第一医院、中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院、首都医科大学3个单位依次居署名文献数、折合文献数前3位;涉及关键词490个、980次,“脑卒中”、“缺血性脑卒中”、“卒中”、“脑血管意外”、“高血压”的使用频次居前5位;86篇文献获基金121项次。
Objective: To analyze the bibliometric characteristics of highly-cited papers on Stroke in China. Methods: We searched the database of China National Knowledge Infrastrucure (CNKI) for published studies on Stroke from January 1 2009 to December 31, 2018, and identified highly cited papers according to the Price law. Using Excel 2010, we analyzed the frequency and years of being cited, the cited journals, authors and institutions, keywords, and grants. Results: Totally, 219 papers on Stroke were identified as highly cited ones. The number of the published studies increased year by year from 2009, reaching the peak (55 papers) in 2012 and followed by a gradual drop. The papers retrieved were published in 88 journals, among which, the total number of papers in “Chinese Journal of Nursing” ranked first, and “Chinese Journal of Hypertehsion” total cited and articles were cited first;these papers were written by 73 authors, signed 886 person-times, with a total co-authoring rate of 87.21% and with Wang Wen, Huo Yong, Chen Wei and Wang Longde as the top three authors according to the person-times of being cited;the authors were from 362 institutions, including hospitals (77.35%), and academies and universities accounted for 75% of the 20 key institutions, First Hospital of Peking University, Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Capital Medical University ranked the top 3 units of signed documents and documents;a total of 490 keywords were identified, used 980 times, with “stroke”, “ischemic cerebrovascular disease”, “apoplexy”, “cerebrovascular accident” and “hypertension” as the first 5 in the frequency of use. 86 documents received 121 funds.
Advances in Clinical Medicine