

A Case Report of Duodenojejunostomy for Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
摘要 十二指肠淤滞症是十二指肠水平部受肠系膜上动脉压迫导致的肠腔梗阻,本疾病因罕见、症状缺乏特异性等易导致误诊。十二指肠淤滞症通常先采用非手术治疗,无效者可采用手术治疗。本中心通过十二指肠空肠吻合术成功治愈1例经非手术治疗无效的十二指肠淤滞症患者,十二指肠空肠吻合术有望成为治疗十二指肠淤滞症的标准术式。 Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS) is a disease characterized by superior mesenteric arterious compression of the third portion of duodenum leading to obstruction, it’s easy to be misdiagnosed due to rarity and lack of specific symptoms. Surgical intervention is indicated in patients who fail standard non-operative management. In our center, a patient with SMAS who failed to respond to non-operative management was successfully cured through duodenojejunostomy, which is expected to be the standard operation method of SMAS.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2021年第12期6067-6073,共7页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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