在亚洲,肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)发病率和死亡率居恶性肿瘤前列,很多患者发现肝癌时已是中晚期,失去手术机会。对于中晚期HCC,推荐的治疗方案包括肝动脉化疗栓塞(transarterial chemoembolization, TACE)、靶向药物治疗、免疫药物治疗等,而肝动脉灌注化疗(hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, HAIC)亦是晚期HCC治疗方案之一。另外,HAIC的药物选择多样,没有统一的标准方案,并且基于HAIC的联合治疗方法较多,将对此作一总结,以期为临床治疗提供指导与思路。
In Asia, the incidence and mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) rank among the top of malignant tumors, and many patients lose the chance of surgery when their liver cancer is found at an advanced stage. For advanced HCC, the recommended treatment options include transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), targeted drug therapy and immunotherapy, etc. Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) is also one of the treatment options for advanced HCC. In addition, HAIC has a variety of drug choices without a unified standard regimen, and there are many therapy methods based on HAIC. This paper will summarize these problems, in order to provide guidance and ideas for clinical treatment.
Advances in Clinical Medicine