法洛四联症(tetralogy of Fallot, TOF)是临床上最常见的紫绀型复杂先天心脏病,大约占各种先天心脏病的10%。长期以来,外科手术一直是其单一的治疗方式,但伴随着先天性心血管疾病介入治疗科技的迅猛发展,内外科镶嵌式(Hybrid)手术为治疗儿童TOF提供了更加完善的治疗方案。本文就Hybrid手术中介入手术在TOF的临床治疗策略一一展开综述。
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is the most common cyanotic complex congenital heart disease in clinical practice, accounting for approximately 10% of various congenital heart diseases. For a long time, surgery has been a single treatment, but with the rapid development of interventional therapy for congenital cardiovascular diseases, medical and surgical mosaic (Hybrid) surgery provides a more perfect treatment plan for the treatment of TOF in children. This article reviews the clinical treatment strategies of interventional surgery in TOF during Hybrid surgery.
Advances in Clinical Medicine