慢性阻塞性肺疾病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD)常与多种慢性疾病共同存在。近年来已有较多研究证实上气道鼻–鼻窦合并症可通过多种泛气道的病理生理机制对COPD患者的下气道施加影响。这提示治疗患者的鼻–鼻窦合并症可能有助于COPD的病情控制。本文对鼻–鼻窦疾病参与COPD的证据进行了总结,并从合并症的角度分析了两者相互作用的机制。
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) coexists with multiple chronic diseases. Recent studies had demonstrated that nasal-sinus comorbidities could affect the lower airways of COPD pa-tients through a number of pathophysiological mechanisms, which suggested that treatment of na-sal-sinus comorbidities may contribute to COPD control. This article summarized the evidence for the involvement of nasal-sinus disease in COPD and analyzed the mechanisms of their interaction.
Advances in Clinical Medicine