随着现代麻醉技术的革新及加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery, ERAS)理念的深入,临床短小手术日益增多,选择合适的镇静药物是保证手术有效性和安全性的关键。然而,并没有研究能证实哪一种镇静药物具备应用于短小手术的绝对优势。瑞马唑仑是一种新型的超短效苯二氮卓类镇静药物,作用时间短于咪达唑仑和丙泊酚,并且对血流动力学及呼吸的影响较小。目前,它有望成为一种被广泛应用于程序性镇静的超短效药物。本文就瑞马唑仑的药物特点、药代动力学类型、与传统镇静药物对比的优势、对脑电图的影响、在短小内镜检查中的应用方面进行综述,为其更好的应用于临床提供理论支持。
With the innovation of modern anesthesia technology and the deepening of the concept of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS), clinical short surgery is increasing, and the selection of appropriate sedatives is the key to ensure the effectiveness and safety of surgery. However, no study has proved which sedative has absolute advantage in short surgery. Remimazolam is a new type of ultra short acting benzodiazepine. Duration is shorter than midazolam and propofol, and less effect on the he-modynamics and breathing. Currently, it is expected to become a widely used ultra short-acting drug in procedural sedation. This article mainly reviews progress in Remimazolam’s mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, advantages of remimazolam vs conventional sedatives. Effects on elec-troencephalography and application in short endoscopy provide theoretical basis for clinical appli-cation.
Advances in Clinical Medicine