自噬是真核生物细胞内部分受损的蛋白质或细胞器在被双层膜结构的囊泡包裹后,送入溶酶体中加以降解并进行循环利用的过程。新生儿发生缺氧缺血性脑损伤(hypoxic ischemic brain damage, HIBD)能通过不同信号途径激活自噬,从而充分发挥其损伤或保护作用,但具体机理目前仍不明确。本文对自噬介导的新生儿HIBD研究进展进行综述,为新生儿HIBD治疗提供新思路。
Autophagy is the process of partially damaged proteins or organelles in eukaryote cells after being wrapped in vesicles with a bilayer membrane structure, and then sent to lysosomes for degradation and recycling. Hypoxic ischemic brain damage (HIBD) in newborns can activate autophagy through different signaling pathways to give full play to its injury or protective effect, but the specific mech-anism is still unclear. This paper reviews the research progress of autophagy mediated neonatal HIBD and provides new ideas for the treatment of HIBD of neonates.
Advances in Clinical Medicine