社区获得性肺炎的发病率(community-acquired pneumonia, CAP)和死亡率居高不下,是全球性健康问题。有相关文献报道CAP患者患心血管事件的风险逐年升高。其中包括心律失常的发生、新发的心力衰竭/急性心肌梗死或心力衰竭/心肌梗死恶化。有研究确定了肺炎链球菌导致心血管事件(cardiovascular events, CVE)的一些机制,这些心血管事件的发生与患者的临床预后及长期死亡率有着密切关系,本研究拟就肺炎球菌CAP患者发生心血管事件的相关进展及治疗进行综述。
The incidence and mortality of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) are high, which is a global health problem. It has been reported that the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with CAP in-creases year by year. These include the occurrence of arrhythmias, new heart failure/acute myo-cardial infarction or heart failure/myocardial infarction deterioration. Some studies have confirmed some mechanisms of cardiovascular events caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. The occurrence of these cardiovascular events is closely related to the clinical prognosis and long-term mortality. This study is to review the progress and treatment of cardiovascular events in patients with pneumo-coccal CAP.
Advances in Clinical Medicine