近年来,随着人民生活方式和饮食结构的变化,成年人摄入大量含有高嘌呤的食物,尿酸是嘌呤分解代谢的最终产物,由肾脏随尿液排除体外,在严重肾脏损害时,血液中尿酸可显著升高。尿酸水平升高是代谢综合征的一个危险因素。随着社会的发展及人民生活水平的提高,高尿酸血症(Hyperuricemia, HUA)是现代社会常见的代谢性疾病。睡眠是中枢神经系统产生的一种主动调节过程,是人类生命活动的一个重要方面。机体在睡眠过程中会进行重要的代谢调节和激素分泌,本文就成年人睡眠和尿酸的关系进行综述。
In recent years, with the change of people’s lifestyle and diet structure, adults consume a lot of foods that are high in purines, uric acid is the end product of purine catabolism, excreted by the kidney with urine. In severe renal damage, uric acid in blood can be significantly increased. Elevated uric acid levels are a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. With the development of society and the im-provement of people’s living standards, Hyperuricemia (HUA) is a common metabolic disease in modern society. Sleep is an active regulatory process produced by the central nervous system. It is an important aspect of human life activities. During sleep, the body performs important metabolic regulation and hormone secretion, this article reviews the relationship between sleep and uric acid in adults.
Advances in Clinical Medicine