过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schtinlein purpura, HSP)是儿童期最常见的血管炎。尽管HSP大部分症状均有自愈性,但可合并消化道出血、肠套叠等,其次肾脏损害可影响患儿远期预后结局。尽早干预、改善远期预后、提高生活质量具有重要意义。本文总结国内外过敏性紫癜发病机制、国内外出院后随访研究进展,以期为该类患儿出院后随访管理提供参考。
(Henoch-Schtinlein purpura, HSP) is the commonest cause of vasculitis in childhood. Although HSP is a relatively self-limiting disorder in children, gastrointestinal complications may occur, for exam-ple digestive hemorrhage, indigitation. Meanwhile, the renal damages have an effect on the long-term prognosis. Earlier treatment, better outcome and life quality are significant. This article introduces the pathogenesis of HSP, and the research progress for follow-up after discharge at home and abroad, so as to provide the information for management of HSP follow-up.
Advances in Clinical Medicine