腹腔镜下双侧附件切除 + 阴式子宫全切术后不良反应多为感染,临近器官损伤,下肢静脉栓塞,切口愈合不良等,但术后淋巴漏的极少,本文章针对腹腔镜下双侧附件切除术 + 阴式子宫全切术术后淋巴漏进行报道,以促进临床医师对该现象高度重视,并采取积极预防和治疗措施。
Laparoscopic total hysterectomy plus double accessory resection is associated with infection, adja-cent organ injury, venous embolization of the lower extremities, and poor incision healing. However, lymphatic leakage after laparoscopic total hysterectomy plus double accessory resection is rare. This paper reports the lymphatic leakage after laparoscopic total hysterectomy plus double acces-sory resection in order to promote clinicians to pay more attention to the phenomenon and take ac-tive preventive and therapeutic measures.
Advances in Clinical Medicine