结缔组织病(connective tissue disease, CTD)是多系统、多器官受累的自身免疫性疾病,自身免疫抗体的紊乱通过诱导肺成纤维细胞分化及内皮细胞血管生成等一系列复杂的机制参与了肺纤维化的发生和发展。然而,不同类型的结缔组织病所继发的间质性肺病(Interstitial lung diseases, ILDs)之间是否具有明显差异尚未明确。因此,本文结合国内外最新文献及实验研究,对不同类型结缔组织病所致的间质性肺病进行对比探讨,为结缔组织病相关间质性肺病(connective tissue disease associ-ated interstitial lung disease, CTD-ILD)的诊疗寻找更多新思维。
Connective tissue disease is a multisystem and multiorgan involved autoimmune disease. The con-nective tissue disorder is involved in the occurrence and development of pulmonary fibrosis by in-ducing lung fibroblast differentiation and endothelial cell angiogenesis and a series of complex mechanisms. However, it is not clear whether there is a significant difference between Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) secondary to different types of connective tissue diseases. Therefore, this paper combined with the latest literature and experimental studies at home and abroad to compare and discuss the interstitial lung disease caused by different types of connective tissue diseases to find out more new thinking about the diagnosis and treatment of connective tissue associated intersti-tial lung disease (CTD-ILD).
Advances in Clinical Medicine