Obesity, traditionally defined as an excess of body fat leading to impaired health, is commonly as-sessed in clinical practice by the body mass index (BMI), expressed as the ratio of body weight in kilograms divided by height in square meters (kg/m2). Despite the large amount of research dedi-cated to understand the biology of obesity and energy balance, it is clear that the available knowledge has so far done little to curb the obesity epidemic, from which no part of the world is immune. The prevalence of obesity has been on the rise globally over the past half century and has reached considerable epidemic levels. Obesity is a major health challenge due to the greatly in-creased risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, myocardial infarction, ob-structive sleep apnea, and some cancers, which lead to reduced quality of life and decreased life expectancy. In particular, the proportion of patients with obesity combined with T2DM has in-creased in the population with simple obesity, making obesity and T2DM a public health problem of wide social concern. Obesity and T2DM are closely related, and weight gain is an independent risk factor for T2DM, while obesity, especially central obesity, tends to cause insulin resistance and con-tribute to high islet β-cell load, thus impairing islet function and leading to the development of T2DM. The relationship between obesity and T2DM is quite complex, and recent more popular studies have increasingly focused on the molecular, signaling pathways, immune, and genetic levels between obesity and T2DM. Therefore, this paper provides a brief review of the molecular and sig-naling pathways between obesity and T2DM and their recent role in the surgical treatment of obe-sity.
Advances in Clinical Medicine