Iron is an essential trace element for the human body, it is essential for almost all types of cells in the living body. Iron homeostasis is essential for the human body. Iron deficiency and excess areharmful to the human body and can lead to heart failure in patients. Therefore, iron homeostasismust be strictly controlled to prevent anemia due to iron deficiency and the increase of free ironproduction and reactive oxygen species due to iron overdose, leading to tissue damage and organfailure. Hepcidin plays an important role in regulating iron metabolism and is a key regulator ofsystemic iron homeostasis in vertebrates. When hepcidin levels are elevated, iron is trapped induodenal cells, hepatocytes, splenic macrophages, and placental syncytial trophoblasts, resultingin a decrease in plasma iron levels. Cardiomyocyte hepcidin is required for iron homeostasis inautonomous cells, and the function of cardiac hepcidin is not limited to regulating iron levels,but also has the effects of anti-cardiomyocyte apoptosis, anti-myocardial hypertrophy, and anti-myocardial fibrosis. Patients with HF have a higher incidence of ID, studies have shown thatintravenous iron treatment with ID improves exercise capacity and quality of life in patients withHF, reduces hospitalization of HF after 12 weeks, oral iron supplementation does not improve exercise capacity and quality of life, but they can reduce all-cause mortality and heart failure hospitalization. However, oral iron preparations have a high incidence of gastrointestinal side effectsthat may lead to gastrointestinal malabsorption, perforation of gastrointestinal ulcers, poor diet,or celiac disease. In addition, the upregulation of hepcidin also reduces the absorption of dietaryiron. Therefore, intravenous iron is currently recommended for HF.
Advances in Clinical Medicine