肾结石作为在全世界范围内都较为常见的病种,其如今变得越来越常见。如果不及时处理肾结石,随后可能会引起更严重的并发症,如泌尿系统的恶性病变及肾功能的丧失。其在临床上的症状常表现为:疼痛(通常性质严重)、肾区压痛、血尿或消化系统症状(如恶心、呕吐或腹泻)等。伴随手术技术和微创手术设备的改进,肾结石的治疗迎来了巨大的变化,曾经用于治疗肾结石的体外冲击波碎石术与传统开放手术逐渐在被更微创的手术所取代,如超细经皮肾镜(Ultra-mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy, UMP)及超微经皮肾镜(Super-mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, SMP)等。用微通道处理肾结石的目的是以最小的创伤为代价去治疗疾病。为此,我们基于相关的临床知识和文献总结分析了超微经皮肾镜(SMP)与超细经皮肾镜(UMP)在治疗肾结石的应用进展。
Kidney stones, a common disease worldwide, are becoming increasingly common. If left untreated, kidney stones can lead to more serious complications, such as malignant lesions of the urinary sys-tem and loss of kidney function. Its clinical symptoms are often manifested as pain (usually severe in nature), tenderness in the kidney area, hematuria or digestive symptoms (such as nausea, vom-iting or diarrhea), etc. With the improvement of surgical techniques and minimally invasive surgi-cal equipment, the treatment of kidney stones has ushered in great changes. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and traditional open surgery used to treat kidney stones are gradually replaced by more minimally invasive operations, such as Ultra-minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy (UMP) and Super-mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (SMP), etc. The goal of treating kidney stones with mi-crochannels is to treat the disease with minimal trauma. Therefore, based on relevant clinical knowledge and literature, we summarized and analyzed the application progress of Super-mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (SMP) and Ultra-minipercutaneous nephrolithotomy (UMP) in the treatment of kidney stones.
Advances in Clinical Medicine