The Wnt signaling pathway is a highly conserved signaling pathway that plays an important role in embryonic development and is involved in the induction of embryonic kidney development, as well as in the development of various renal diseases, and the Wnt signaling pathway often transmits in-formation through both classical and non-classical signaling pathways. When Wnt gene expression is abnormal, it leads to abnormal kidney development and kidney diseases such as congenital kid-ney malformation, congenital urogenital malformation, polycystic kidney and kidney cancer. The essential role of the Wnt signaling pathway in kidney development was demonstrated by studies on different Wnt ligand knockout models and in vitro cell and tissue cultures. In addition, it was found that the expression of multiple isoforms of Wnt ligands and their receptors and transcrip-tion-related targets appear up-regulated during the induction of renal unit formation, which is in-volved in regulating the development and differentiation of ureteral buds and posterior renal mesenchyme, among others. In this paper, we summarize the research progress of Wnt signaling pathway in kidney development in recent years in order to provide new options for clinical treat-ment of kidney diseases.
Advances in Clinical Medicine