

Missed and Misdiagnosed Analysis of Two Cases of Small Bowel Diverticulum Complications
摘要 背景:探讨分析小肠憩室诊断及治疗方法,提高诊治水平。方法:对我院收治的2例术中探查发现小肠憩室患者的临床资料进行分析,比较手术前及术后诊断,分析误诊原因及治疗方法。结果:2例患者术前未能明确诊断,均经手术探查术中才被明确诊断,经手术治疗好转出院。结论:小肠憩室无特异性临床表现,术前不易诊断,常在尸检或其他手术中才被确诊,急腹症及消化道出血患者,如:小肠出血,急性阑尾炎应警惕小肠憩室,当术中探查结果与术前诊断、体征不符时,应继续探查,不能满足于一个诊断,以发现隐蔽的病变,避免延误病情,造成严重的后果。 Background: To discuss and analyze the diagnosis and treatment methods of small bowel divertic-ulum to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment. Methods: The clinical data of two patients with small bowel diverticulum found by intraoperative exploration in our hospital were analyzed, and the preoperative and postoperative diagnoses were compared, as well as the causes and treat-ment methods of misdiagnosis. Results: The two patients could not be clearly diagnosed before surgery, but they were clearly diagnosed during surgical exploration, and they were discharged af-ter surgical treatment. Conclusion: Small bowel diverticulum has no specific clinical manifestations;preoperatively, it is not easy to diagnose and is often diagnosed in autopsies or other operations. Patients with acute abdomen and gastrobowel bleeding, such as small bowel bleeding and acute appendicitis, should be vigilant for small bowel diverticula to avoid delaying the condition and causing serious consequences.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2023年第7期12088-12093,共6页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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