股骨头缺血性坏死(Avascular necrosis of femoral head, ANFH)又称股骨头坏死(ONFH),是由于多种诱因形成的股骨头正常血运中断从而继发坏死的一种严重疾病,其中肝肾亏虚型的ONFH为本虚标实之证,产生原因多为患者年老体虚、或禀赋不足,素体正虚,又因乙癸同源,肝肾亏虚引起筋脉滋养不足,阴损及阳,用于鼓动人体正常活动的阳气衰微,温煦失常,精髓缺失;机体受邪后无以抗邪,从而继发肝肾亏虚型的ONFH。该文以“肝肾亏虚”型ONFH为讨论方向,结合其病因病机及相关治疗,对该病进一步研讨。
Avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH), also known as necrosis of the femoral head, is a serious disease of secondary necrosis due to the interruption of normal blood flow of the femoral head caused by various inducements. Among them, ONFH of liver and kidney deficiency type is the syn-drome of primary deficiency and solid deficiency. The reasons are mostly due to the deficiency of the patient’s body in old age, or lack of endowment, and positive deficiency of the plain body. Yang qi used to stimulate the normal activities of the human body is weak, warm disorder, the essence is missing;After the body is affected by the evil, there is no resistance to the evil, which leads to the secondary liver and kidney deficiency type ONFH. In this paper, “liver and kidney deficiency” type ONFH as the direction of discussion, combined with its etiology, pathogenesis and related treatment, to further study the disease.
Advances in Clinical Medicine