肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)是危害人类生命的最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。随着医学成像技术的不断完善,人们可以早期发现病变并进行干预,为患者提供最大的生存机会。基于影像组学的最新进展,其为肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular Carcinoma, HCC)与肝硬化相关结节的准确鉴别及肝癌的早期精准诊断提供了可能性。本综述旨在分析肝硬化相关结节鉴别、肝癌的诊断、影像组学先进技术,通过对已发表文献的回顾,对肝硬化相关结节的鉴别、原发性肝癌的发展、分级、分子生物表达进行分析总结,以阐明影像组学在改善肝癌患者预后,提高患者生存率方面的作用。
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant tumors that harm human life. With the development of the medical imaging technology, people can detect lesions early and in-tervene which gives patients the greatest chance of survival. Based on the latest advances in radi-omics, it provides the possibility for the accurate identification of nodules associated with Hepato-cellular Carcinoma (HCC) and accurate diagnosis of liver cancer. The purpose of this review is to an-alyze the identification of cirrhosis associated nodules, the diagnosis of liver cancer, and the ad-vanced techniques of imaging radiomics. Through a review of the published literature, analyzing and summarizing the identification of cirrhosis related nodules, the development, classification and molecular biological expression of primary liver cancer, to elucidate the role of imaging radiomics in improving the prognosis and survival rate of patients with liver cancer.
Advances in Clinical Medicine