

Application of Computer-Assisted Technology in Cranial and Maxillofacial Sur-gery
摘要 颌面畸形是颅颌面整形外科的常见疾病,其病因主要为先天性颅颌面骨发育畸形、创伤等,患者不仅存在颅颌面畸形,而且可引发颅内高压、视力及口腔功能受损等并发症,需及时干预治疗,重建生理解剖结构,改善局部功能障碍。但是,颅颌面骨骼结构复杂,临床矫治、修复难度较大。近年来,颅颌面整形外科的计算机辅助技术发展迅速,整形外科医生转向技术,不仅要改善他们的结果,还要改善他们获得高质量结果的频率。从其效率和权宜之计的角度来看,今天几乎所有人类的创造力都以技术的存在为条件。基于计算机的技术的进步,包括虚拟现实模拟器,增强现实,虚拟整形手术软件和计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造系统,为整形外科的教学和实践带来了新的模式。新技术为传统手术提供的效率可以通过更简化的检查和更流畅的术中体验,并相信手术的准确性,为颅颌面畸形的治疗带来了新希望。计算机辅助技术能够快速、准确地识别大量的影像学资料来辅助诊断,其在整形外科疾病的诊断、疗效评估等方面具有较大潜力。本文将探讨计算机辅助技术在颅颌面整形外科的应用效果。 Maxillofacial deformity is a common disease in craniofacial plastic surgery. Its main causes are con-genital craniofacial bone development deformity and trauma. Patients not only have craniofacial deformity, but also can cause complications such as intracranial hypertension, impaired vision and oral function. It is necessary to intervene in time, rebuild physiological and anatomical structure and improve local dysfunction. However, the structure of cranial and maxillofacial bones is complex, and clinical correction and repair are difficult. In recent years, computer-assisted technology in cra-nial-maxillofacial plastic surgery has developed rapidly, with plastic surgeons turning to technology not only to improve their outcomes but also the frequency of obtaining high-quality results. From its efficiency and expediency perspective, almost all human creativity today is conditioned on the ex-istence of technology. Advances in computer-based technology, including virtual reality simulators, augmented reality, virtual plastic surgery software, and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing systems, have brought new models to the teaching and practice of plastic surgery. The efficiency that the new technology provides for traditional surgery can be achieved with a sim-pler examination and a smoother intraoperative experience, and believe in the accuracy of surgery, bringing new hope for the treatment of cranial and maxillofacial deformities. Computer-aided tech-nology can quickly and accurately identify a large number of imaging data to assist the diagnosis, which has great potential in the diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of plastic surgery diseases. This paper will explore the effectiveness of computer-assisted techniques in cranial and maxillofacial plastic surgery.
作者 张琼尹 陈华
出处 《临床医学进展》 2023年第10期15673-15681,共9页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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