血流储备分数值(Fractional flow reserve, FFR)是评价冠状动脉生理功能的金标准,但介入性有创操作限制了其在临床实践中的广泛应用。近些年来,已经开发出从冠状动脉CT血管成像(Coronary CT angiography, CCTA)中获取功能信息的新方法,即利用CCTA提供的解剖学信息与流体动力学算法相结合,从CCTA图像数据集中计算FFR。计算机断层扫描衍生的血流储备分数值(CT derived fractional flow reserve, CT-FFR)能够无创地识别病变生理特性,CT-FFR建模技术提供了整个冠状动脉树的FFR,同时CT-FFR与FFR的良好相关性有助于引导冠心病(Coronary artery disease, CAD)患者选择最佳治疗策略,并提高治疗预期。本文对国内外有关FFR检测方法及临床进展进行综述,旨在为相关人员提供参考借鉴。
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) is the gold standard for evaluating the physiological function of coro-nary vessels, but its widespread use in clinical practice is limited by the invasive nature of the in-tervention. In recent years, new methods have been developed to obtain functional information from coronary CT angiography (CCTA). That is, the anatomical information provided by CCTA is used in combination with computational fluid dynamics to calculate FFR values from CCTA image da-tasets. Computed tomography-derived fractional flow reserve (CT-FFR) can identify the physiologi-cal characteristics of the lesion noninvasively, and CT-FFR modeling provides FFR values of the en-tire coronary tree, while the good correlation between CT-FFR and FFR can help guide the selection of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) patients to choose the best treatment strategy and improve treatment expectations. In this paper, we review the FFR detection methods and clinical advances at home and abroad, aiming to provide reference for relevant personnel.
Advances in Clinical Medicine