Pterygium is a bulbar conjunctival fibrovascular growth that crosses the corneal limbus and ex-tends into the peripheral cornea, leading to serious visual complications in some cases. The preva-lence of the disease has been reported to range from 1.2% to approximately 40% in different parts of the world. Although there are various risk factors for pterygium, including ultraviolet (UV) radia-tion, viral infections, genetic factors, immunologic factors, aseptic inflammation, and environmental stimuli, the pathogenesis of pterygium is primarily related to exposure to UV light. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for pterygium and various techniques such as bare sclera, rotational con-junctival flaps, autologous corneal limbal conjunctival grafts, amniotic membrane grafts and autol-ogous free conjunctival grafts are used for pterygium excision. Newer treatments also seem to have greatly reduced the worrisome problem of recurrence.
Advances in Clinical Medicine