幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori, Hp)感染是全球关注的重大公共卫生问题,研究证实其与多种胃肠道以及胃肠道以外疾病的发生有关。口腔被认为是除胃以外的第二个Hp栖息地,与胃Hp感染有一定的关系,并且可能是导致近年来胃Hp根除率下降和复发率增高的一种危险因素。本文对口腔Hp的发现、检测以及与胃Hp感染的相关关系进行综述。
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection is a global public health problem, which relates to multiple gas-trointestinal diseases and diseases outside the gut. Oral cavity is the second habitat of Hp besides to stomach. Oral Hp infection relates to gastric Hp infection and maybe one of the risk factors of treat-ment failure and recurrence of Hp. This review summarized the discovery and detection of oral Hp infection and its relationship with gastric Hp infection.
Advances in Clinical Medicine