Ischemic stroke is a cerebrovascular disease, caused by cerebral tissue ischemia caused by cere-brovascular disease. The development of the disease is accompanied by massive cell apoptosis, re-sulting in high disability and case fatality rates. Glycemic control plays an important role in the treatment and management of ischemic stroke. Maintaining a good blood glucose level can improve the prognosis of patients, because high blood glucose levels may lead to adverse physiological reac-tions such as vascular damage, inflammatory response and oxidative stress, further aggravating the damage of brain tissue ischemia. Adjusting blood glucose concentration can help reduce various side effects, and promote the reconstruction of brain structure and function, thus reducing the mortality and disability rate, and improving the treatment effect of ischemic stroke patients. This review summarizes recent studies on the impact of glycemic control levels on the prognosis of dia-betic patients with ischemic stroke.
Advances in Clinical Medicine