Dry eye disease is caused by reduced tear secretion from the lacrimal gland, increased tear evapo-ration or poor tear quality, which can lead to ocular surface inflammation, damage and abnormal nerve sensation. Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disease associated with inflammation and hormo-nal imbalance, characterized by reduced bone mass, destruction of bone microarchitecture, and in-creased bone fragility, which increase the risk of fractures. Dry eye disease and osteoporosis share common risk factors and epidemiological features, and inflammation and sex hormone deficiencies have been shown to underlie both diseases. Studies have reported that osteoporosis affects the oc-currence and development of dry eye by regulating sex hormone levels, purinergic signaling, and vitamin D levels. However, the correlation between these two diseases is rarely mentioned. This ar-ticle conducts a systematic review of the potential relationship between osteoporosis and dry eye disease, introduces the epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, and main treatments in recent years of osteoporosis and dry eye disease, and provides a reference for clinicians.
Advances in Clinical Medicine