

Research Status of Anti-Aging Drugs in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
摘要 肺癌一直是我国死亡率最高的肿瘤,给患者和家庭带来了巨大的痛苦和负担。长期以来,我们认为衰老具有保护个体免受肿瘤侵袭的作用,但最近几年我们发现,衰老的癌细胞也可以促进肿瘤的恶性进展,而消除癌细胞和可以有效地控制癌症的发生发展。针对衰老癌细胞的治疗称之为senotherapeutic,包括senolytic和senomorphic。其中senolytic主要争对衰老癌细胞的杀死和清除。而senomorphic则是消除衰老细胞SASP的产生和分泌。有大量研究表明消除治疗中产生的衰老肿瘤细胞,能促进患者的生存,在此我们主要讨论总结了肺癌癌细胞在治疗中产生的衰老以及肺癌衰老细胞senolytic治疗的进展。 Lung cancer has always been the tumor with the highest mortality rate in our country, bringing immense pain and burden to patients and their families. Long-term beliefs suggest that aging plays a protective role in preventing individuals from being invaded by tumors. However, in recent years, we have discovered that aging cancer cells can also promote the malignant progression of tumors. Eliminating cancer cells and effectively controlling the occurrence and development of cancer are crucial. Treatment targeting aging cancer cells is called senotherapeutic therapy, which includes senolytic and senomorphic approaches. Senolytic primarily focuses on killing and clearing aging cancer cells, while senomorphic aims to eliminate the production and secretion of senes-cence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in aging cells. Numerous studies have shown that eliminating senescent tumor cells generated during treatment can promote patients’ survival. In this article, we mainly discuss and summarize the aging of lung cancer cells during treatment and the progress of senolytic therapy for lung cancer senescent cells.
作者 王美霞
出处 《临床医学进展》 2024年第1期1490-1500,共11页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
关键词 衰老 肺癌 治疗
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