产丁酸细菌(Butyric acid producing bacteria, BAPB)是利用碳水化合物发酵产生丁酸的一类细菌,其主要代谢物丁酸能促进肠道黏膜及血脑屏障完整性防止有害物质进入大脑引起神经元损伤。丁酸是BAPB的主要产物,发挥抗炎、抑制细胞增殖、诱导免疫耐受及促进黏膜屏障完整性等作用。大量的研究表明,BAPB的丰度和丁酸的水平在不同的神经变性疾病中均显著下降。因此提高BAPB丰度及促进丁酸产生可能成为神经变性病干预中的新靶标。本文一方面介绍了神经变性疾病的发病机制以及丁酸的生理功能,另一方面综述了与神经变性病相关的BAPB的种类及特点,目的是提供更全面的与变性疾病相关的BAPB类型,为进一步研究提供可选择的靶细菌。
Butyric acid producing bacteria (BAPB), a class of bacteria using carbohydrate fermentation to produce butyrate, can promote the integrity of intestinal mucosa and blood-brain barrier and pre-vent harmful substances from entering the brain through microbial gut-brain axis causing neuronal damage. Butyrate is the main product of BAPB, which plays the role of anti-inflammation, inhibiting cell proliferation, inducing immune tolerance and promoting the integrity of mucosal barrier. A large number of studies have shown that BAPB abundance and butyric acid levels are significantly decreased in different neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, remodelling the intestinal flora, es-pecially increasing BAPB abundance, may be a new target for intervention in neurodegenerative diseases. On the one hand, the physiological function of butyric acid and the role of the gut-brain axis in BAPB and diseases are introduced. On the other hand, the types and characteristics of BAPB associated with neurodegenerative diseases are reviewed;the aim is to provide a more comprehen-sive version of BAPB associated with degenerative diseases and to provide an alternative strain of intervention for further research.
Advances in Clinical Medicine