目的:本文通过对济宁市精神分裂症患者主动社区康复干预的效果进行评价,做好效果分析,探索有效的康复服务模式,使精神分裂患者在社区中得到更好的康复。方法:选择任城区160名半年内出院的,具有本地户籍,持有《中华人民共和国残疾人证》,且病情稳定的精神分裂症患者,分为对照组和干预组。对照组给予常规社区公共卫生服务,干预组由辖区内精神科专科医疗机构医生根据患者评估实际情况制定康复方案(即主动社区精神康复),追踪半年,做好两组患者效果分析。结果:给予干预组主动社区康复6个月后,两组在阳性症状得分、阴性症状得分、一般病理得分、PNASS总分和PSP总分的改善方面存在差异,且差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),干预组优于对照组。结论:给予精神分裂症患者主动式社区干预能够改善其精神症状和个人和社会功能表现。
Purpose: This article evaluates the effectiveness of active community rehabilitation interventions for schizophrenia patients in Jining City and explores effective rehabilitation service model so that schizophrenic patients can get better rehabilitation in the community. Methods: 160 stabilized schizophrenic patients with local registered residence discharged from Rencheng District within six months, holding the Disabled People’s Certificate of the People’s Republic of China, were selected and divided into control group and intervention group. The control group received routine commu-nity public health services and the intervention group received rehabilitation program (i.e. active community psychiatric rehabilitation) developed by doctors from specialized psychiatric medical institutions according to the patients’ assessment of the actual situation. The results were tracked for six months to analyze the effect of the two groups of patients. Results: After 6 months of active community rehabilitation in the intervention group, there were differences between the two groups in improvement of positive symptom scores, negative symptom scores, general pathological scores, total PNASS scores and total PSP scores, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The intervention group was better than the control group. Conclusion: Giving schizophrenic patients active community intervention can improve their psychiatric symptoms and personal and social functional performance.
Advances in Clinical Medicine