自1998年梅奥医学中心的Fatemi M、Greenleaf JF提出超声激发振动声成像(ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustic spectrography)的概念,即简称的振动声成像(vibro-acoustography),多年来国内外众多学者围绕此技术做了大量研究,尤其是在微钙化的检测领域作了大量工作,使该成像技术得到蓬勃的发展。振动声成像是振动声技术应用最广泛的领域,本文以振动声成像为切入点,对振动声技术的研究进展作一综述。
Since 1998, Fatemi M and Greenleaf JF of Mayo Medical Centre proposed the concept of ultra-sound-stimulated vibro-acoustic spectrography, or vibro-acoustography for short, many scholars have been working on this technology for many years. Over the years, the scholars had done a lot of research around vibro-acoustography, especially in the field of microcalcification detection, so that vibro-acoustography has been vigorously developed. Vibro-acoustography is the most widely used field of vibro-acoustic technology, and this article takes vibro-acoustography as an entry point to give a review of the research progress of vibro-acoustic technology.
Advances in Clinical Medicine