With the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 and its related public health policies, the importance of studying mental stress as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases has become prominent. Social psychological or mental stress has become an important risk factor associated with higher rates of cardiovascular events and metabolic diseases. Although our understanding of this broad and interesting phenomenon has greatly developed in recent years, there is still much to learn about how it affects physical health. In this review, we discuss the physiological mechanisms and effects of stress that may mediate cardiovascular disease, describe the mechanisms and roles of stress in the progression of metabolic diseases, and provide new ideas and methods for early intervention of mental stress and prevention of vascular damage and metabolic disorders. This article provides a review of the effects and research progress of mental stress on vascular and metabolic health, providing new ideas and methods for early intervention of mental stress, prevention and treatment of vascular damage and metabolic disorders.
Advances in Clinical Medicine