自发性腹膜炎(spontaneous bacterialperitonitis, SBP)作为肝硬化腹水患者常见的严重并发症。延迟诊断、错误诊断和未能及时采用有效的抗生素,可严重影响患者的预后。SBP的诊断主要依赖于有创性检测方式,其存在感染、低效能等局限性,相对无创及更高检测效能的生物标志物和技术逐渐发展为该领域的热点。合理使用相关检测技术对实现该病的综合管理具有重要的临床意义。本文基于SBP相关检测技术进行阐述,旨在为临床诊治SBP提供一些依据。
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is a common and serious complication in patients with cirrhotic ascites. Delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis and failure to use effective antibiotics in time can seriously affect the prognosis of patients. The diagnosis of SBP mainly relies on invasive testing, which has limitations such as infection and inefficiency, and relatively non-invasive biomarkers and techniques with higher detection efficacy are gradually developing as hotspots in this field. The rational use of relevant detection technologies is of great clinical significance in achieving comprehensive management of the disease. This article is based on SBP related detection techniques and aims to provide some basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of SBP.
Advances in Clinical Medicine