

Using Ultrasound to Observe Intraluminal Emboli and Hemodynamic Changes during Surgery: Current Situation and Future Prospects
摘要 随着超声技术的不断发展,且由于其便捷方便的特点,手术室对超声技术的使用率逐渐提高。异位栓塞于部分手术中具有一定的发病率,病死率高。超声可以通过观察血流动力学改变及心腔内结构与情况,实时的观察术中栓子的存在与影响。本文对通过超声监测心腔内栓子及血流动力学改变的方法及进展情况进行简单概述,说明其使用方法及使用条件、优点与局限性,对目前进展进行概括。通过本文以期对其临床应用提供一些参考,对部分手术提供一种监测方法。 With the continuous development of ultrasound technology and its convenient characteristics, the utilization rate of ultrasound technology in operating rooms is gradually increasing. Ectopic embolization in some operations has a certain incidence rate and high mortality. Ultrasound can observe changes in hemodynamics and the structure and condition of the heart cavity, allowing for real-time observation of the presence and impact of emboli during surgery. This article provides a brief overview of the methods and progress of monitoring intracardiac emboli and hemodynamic changes through ultrasound, explaining their usage methods and conditions, advantages and limitations, and summarizing the current progress. This article aims to provide some reference for its clinical application and a monitoring method for some surgeries.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2024年第7期756-763,共8页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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