精索静脉曲张(varicocele, VC)是泌尿生殖系统常见的疾病,也是引起男性不育的主要原因之一,因此是世界范围内一个重要的临床问题。目前人们对于精索静脉曲张致男性生育力低下的研究已经相当深入,其可能的机制包括睾丸微循环障碍、肾和肾上腺代谢物回流、氧化应激、免疫因素、缺氧、NO、凋亡等,但是对于其具体发病机制并未完全阐明。本文根据国内外研究现状,对精索静脉曲张致男性生育力低下的机理研究做一综述。Varicocele (VC) is a common disorder of the genitourinary system and a major cause of male infertility, making it a significant clinical issue worldwide. Research into how varicocele impairs male fertility has advanced considerably, exploring mechanisms such as testicular microcirculatory disturbances, reflux of metabolites from the kidney and adrenal glands, oxidative stress, immune factors, hypoxia, nitric oxide, apoptosis, among others. However, the exact pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. This article provides a comprehensive review of current domestic and international research on the mechanisms by which varicocele contributes to reduced male fertility.
Advances in Clinical Medicine