随着老龄化人口的增长,年轻人口生活习惯不规范如久坐、姿势不当、腰部用力过猛等,腰椎间盘突出症越来越普遍。有研究指出单纯采用西医治疗效果有限,反复发作,中医特色技术凭借其“简、便、验、廉”的特色优势被广大患者所接受。中医药在治疗腰椎间盘突出症方面疗效确认,副作用小,能改善疼痛症状,加快腰椎功能恢复,促进日常生活能力的提升。本文通过查阅研究国内外关于中医药治疗腰椎间盘突出症的文献或报道,旨在为LDH患者提供优质的治疗方案及参考依据。Lumbar disc herniation is becoming more common as the aging population grows, and young people have irregular habits such as sitting for too long, poor posture, and straining at the waist. Studies have pointed out that simply using Western medicine treatment has limited effect and repeated attacks, traditional Chinese medicine technology is accepted by the majority of patients by virtue of its “simple, convenient, testing, cheap” characteristic advantages. TCM has confirmed its efficacy in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, with few side effects. It can improve pain symptoms, accelerate the recovery of lumbar function, and promote the improvement of daily living ability. This paper aims to provide high-quality treatment programs and reference basis for LDH patients by referring to domestic and foreign literatures or reports on TCM treatment of LDH.
Advances in Clinical Medicine