慢性心力衰竭是较为常见的慢性心血管疾病,以乏力、心悸、喘促、肢体水肿为主症,是多种慢性心血管疾病反复发作、迁延难愈的终末阶段。近年来,对于慢性心力衰竭的研究越来越广泛,笔者认为慢性心力衰竭的核心病机为基于本虚标实之下的气血水三者关系的失调。本虚即以气虚为主,兼有阳虚;标实则以血瘀、水饮为主,兼有痰湿。本文将从气血水的关系探讨剖析心衰病病机演变的规律。Chronic heart failure is a common chronic cardiovascular disease, with fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, limb edema as the main symptoms, and is the end stage of a variety of chronic cardiovascular disease recurrent, protracted and difficult to cure. In recent years, the research on chronic heart failure has been more and more extensive. The article believes that the core pathogenesis of chronic heart failure is based on the imbalance of the relationship between Qi, blood and water. This deficiency is mainly Qi deficiency, with Yang deficiency;the excess is mainly unsmooth blood circulation, water retention, with phlegm and dampness. This paper will discuss and analyze the law of pathogenesis evolution of heart failure from the relationship of qi, blood and water.
Advances in Clinical Medicine