结直肠息肉指肠腔黏膜面突出的一种赘生物,是消化科较为常见的疾病之一。其具体的病因和发病机制目前尚不完全清楚。目前结直肠息肉检出率较低,多数患者在临床上缺乏特异性,容易被忽视,并且具有恶变潜能,特别是腺瘤性息肉。因此基于现有研究,对发生结直肠息肉危险因素进行总结,明确其发病的危险因素及机制,以期对结直肠息肉甚至结直肠癌的预防提供一定的理论依据。Colorectal polyps refer to a kind of neoplasm protruding from the mucosal surface of the intestinal cavity, which is one of the more common diseases in the digestive department. Its specific etiology and pathogenesis are not fully understood. At present, the detection rate of colorectal polyps is low. Most patients lack specificity in clinical practice, are easily overlooked, and have malignant potential, especially adenomatous polyps. Therefore, based on the existing research, the risk factors of colorectal polyps are summarized, and the risk factors and mechanisms of the disease are clarified, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention of colorectal polyps and even colorectal cancer.
Advances in Clinical Medicine