EB病毒是胃癌发生的生物学病因之一,关于EB病毒感染胃上皮细胞形成胃癌的发病机制尚未完全阐明,可能与细胞间多种信号通路及肿瘤微环境相关。EB病毒相关性胃癌(EBV-aGC)具有独特的临床病理特征,预后较好。近年来随着免疫治疗等新的治疗手段的发展,为胃癌患者的治愈提供了可能。本文就EBV-aGC的临床病理特征、发病机制及治疗三方面进行综述。Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the biological causes of gastric carcinoma. The pathogenesis of gastric carcinoma caused by EBV infection in gastric epithelial cells has not been fully elucidated, which may be related to a variety of signal pathways between cells and tumor microenvironment. EBV-associated gastric carcinoma (EBV-aGC) has unique clinicopathological features and a good prognosis. In recent years, with the development of immunotherapy and other new treatment methods, it is possible to cure patients with gastric carcinoma. This article reviews the clinical and pathological features, pathogenesis and treatment of EBV-aGC.
Advances in Clinical Medicine