微型种植体作为正畸治疗过程中的绝对支抗,目前在临床上取得了良好的疗效,其弥补了口外弓、J钩、唇挡等传统支抗方式的诸多劣势,如疗效需要依赖患者依从性、美观问题等,如今广泛应用于口腔正畸的临床治疗中,并且逐渐成为口腔正畸支抗领域的研究热点之一。本文就微型种植体的临床应用进行简单综述。Micro-implant is the absolute anchorage during orthodontic treatment. At the same time, it makes up for the disadvantages of the traditional methods such as external arch, J hook, lip block, etc., such as the efficacy depending on patient compliance and aesthetic issues. Nowadays, it is widely used in the clinical treatment of orthodontics, and gradually becomes one of the hot spots in the orthodontic anchorage field. This article mainly reviews the clinical application of micro-implants.
Advances in Clinical Medicine