血瘀证是冠心病发病的主要因素之一,肠道菌群可以影响冠心病血瘀证的发生与发展。“心与小肠相表里”是《黄帝内经》对二者关系的总结概括,小肠代谢失常,导致津液输布障碍,成痰成瘀,痹阻心脉可以导致胸痹的发生。活血化瘀药物的应用对其有显著疗效,防止冠心病血瘀证的进一步发展,也使小肠的生理功能恢复正常。该文旨在从“心与小肠相表里”视角探讨心脏、小肠和冠心病血瘀证的相关性,为防治冠心病血瘀证提供理论基础和新的思路方法。Blood stasis is one of the main factors in the development of coronary heart disease, and intestinal flora can affect the occurrence and development of blood stasis in coronary heart disease. “The heart and the small intestine are mutually exclusive” is the “Huangdi Neijing” on the relationship between the two summarized, the small intestine metabolic disorders, resulting in fluid distribution obstacles, into phlegm into blood stasis, paralysis of the cardiac veins can lead to the occurrence of thoracic paralysis. The application of drugs to activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis can have significant therapeutic effects, preventing the further development of blood stasis in coronary heart disease and restoring the physiological function of the small intestine to normal. The aim of this article is to discuss the correlation between heart, small intestine and coronary blood stasis from the perspective of “heart and small intestine are mutually exclusive”, so as to provide theoretical basis and new ideas and methods for the prevention and treatment of coronary blood stasis.
Advances in Clinical Medicine