

Research Status of Inflammation-Related Markers and Anti-Inflammatory Treatment in Aortic Dissection
摘要 手术治疗仍然是主动脉夹层首要的治疗措施,主动脉夹层患者,即使在高致命性急性期幸存下来,慢性组织破坏也经常导致主动脉并发症,并影响预后。因此发现并及时干预影响主动脉夹层患者预后的相关因素至关重要。炎症反应已被证实促进主动脉夹层的发生和发展,主动脉在较长时间内处于炎症状态,是一个潜在的治疗靶点。该文章整理了国内外相关文献,总结近年来炎症相关标志物及抗炎治疗在主动脉夹层中的研究现状,为疾病的预防和治疗提供一定的参考。Surgical treatment is still the first for the treatment of aortic dissection, in patients with aortic dissection, even if they survive the highly lethal acute phase, chronic tissue destruction often leads to aortic complications and affects prognosis. Therefore, it is very important to find and timely intervene the related factors affecting the prognosis of patients with aortic dissection. The inflammatory response has been confirmed to promote the occurrence and development of aortic dissection, and the aorta is in an inflammatory state for a long time, which is a potential therapeutic target. This article reviews the relevant literature, summarizes the research status of inflammation-related markers and anti-inflammatory treatment in aortic dissection in recent years, and provides some reference for the prevention and treatment of the disease.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2024年第9期1018-1024,共7页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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