经筋是中医学中对全身筋膜、韧带及其相关结构的统称,属于经络系统的一部分。经筋理论认为,人体的经筋与脏腑、四肢、关节之间存在紧密联系。肩关节循行部位经筋失调与肩部疼痛及活动障碍等功能问题密切相关,故肩周炎属于经筋病。《黄帝内经·灵枢》中诸多传统针刺手法均具有理筋疏经的功效,本文将总结阐述在经筋理论指导下运用传统针刺手法治疗肩周炎的临床疗效,以期为改善患者肩部功能,提高生活质量提供新思路。Meridian tendon is a collective term in Chinese medicine for the fascia, ligaments and their related structures throughout the body, which are part of the meridian system. According to the theory of meridian tendon, there is a close connection between the meridian tendon of the human body and the internal organs, limbs and joints. Dysfunction of the meridians in the shoulder joint is closely related to functional problems such as shoulder pain and mobility disorders, so frozen shoulder is a meridian disease. Many traditional acupuncture techniques in “Huangdi Neijing—Lingshu” have the effect of regulating the tendons and dredging the meridians. This article will summarize and explain the clinical efficacy of using traditional acupuncture techniques for the treatment of frozen shoulder under the guidance of the theory of meridians and tendons, with a view to improving the function of the shoulder and the quality of life of the patients by providing a new way of thinking.
Advances in Clinical Medicine